Saturday, 13 April 2013

39th World Wide Sketch Crawl

Despite the cool and gloomy weather we doubled our numbers from the last sketchcrawl to 8 people today. Exponential growth - if we extrapolate that we'll have the whole country drawing in 4 years! ...or maybe not.

We met in the ByWard Market, sketched for a couple of hours then gathered for coffee and chat. Lots of good work and enthusiasm to set up a Facebook page to share our work and coordinate meet ups between WW Sketchcrawl days.

This sketch is one of the local vendors selling maple syrup products.  Carly, who was working the booth, which is owned by her uncle, paid me the compliment of judging the drawing to be "a little cartoony, but  it captures the character of the Market".


  1. Would have loved to have joined you!

    If you do start a FB page please send the notice by email

