Saturday, 19 January 2013

38th World Wide Sketch Crawl

Today was the World Wide Sketchcrawl.  It looks like there are gatherings in well over 100 cities around the world, including about 100 participants in Sydney Australia.  Here in Ottawa, there were 4 of us - a 200% increase from our first meet up.

We met at the Canadian Museum of Nature and I didn't manage to get beyond the first floor.  There is a nice display of dinosaur skeletons complete with a constant stream of parents and small children.


  1. Great dinosaurs John! Glad you had fun.

  2. It was really fun to meet and chat with some other sketchers. Hope to join the Montreal bunch one of these Sundays.

  3. Good work, John. Its nice that you're putting Ottawa on the Urbansketchers' map!

  4. very nice John! Did you know that the museum is doing 8-12 soirees this winter? The 1st is Jan 25. Dj & live music. I think a night at the museum would be cool.

    paul j

  5. Awesome sketch, makes me want to sketch "Sue" over at the Field Museum!

  6. Nice to hear from you Tracey. Thanks.
