From an urban design design perspective Barcelona is all about public open space. With it's mild Mediterranean climate and the ubiquitous 8 storey density, residents spend thier evennings in restaurants, urban parks and plazas. It's a city of notable modern architecture including some show-off, gymnastic buildings - dramatic cantalevers, random structure and other dubious expentitures, but what resonates is the public spaces in it's streets and plazas as defined by the 19 th century fabric buidings and famous Antonio Gaudi structures.
I didn't get to spend much time at the Gaudi buidings but did piece together that the Spanish 'modernista' movement correlates to the French art nouveau period. What's not to like about art nouveau, except to moderinist purists it's mostly about style, or decoration, rather than structure or organization. The exhibit in the attic of the Cassa Batllo apartment building has a great display on catenary arches and Gaudi's inspiration from natural structural which I couldn't help but associate with Santiago Calatrava's bridges and buildings.
We stayed in an apartment near a major street called Para'llel. There was a great little square near us which looked to have been composed around existing trees. In addition to the trees, there were individual chairs (fastened down), very modern curved lamps and solid granite block benches whcih were perfect for 'grinding'. There was another fairly new urban park not far away that had a rigourous grid of poplar trees. In under the trees were a couple of industrial atifacts, hinting of the previous use, and some steel edged platforms. This park was well used by skateboarders and we spent time there every day. Here's the link to Tommy's vid

I love Barcelona, studied there for a year as an exchange student 10 years ago in 2002, now I am really considering to change location from Netherlands to Spain and open a hotel, at the moment checking commercial property in Spain